Pubg auto queue
Pubg auto queue

It’s worth mentioning that the playing zone gets smaller with every passing minute. If you venture outside this zone, it becomes even more difficult to survive. Like most battle royale games, PUBG Mobile comes with an ever-shrinking safe zone. With enemies all around you, it becomes difficult to dodge silencers, snipers, monster trucks, and unorthodox disguises. Interestingly, there’s a new threat at every step in the game. All you need to do is an attack, defend, defeat, and survive. If you want to consider gameplay, it’s worth mentioning that the mechanics and rules are straightforward. Does PUBG Mobile offer fast-paced action?Ĭompared to Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, PUBG Mobile comes with fast-paced action sequences. In fact, you can also leverage wearable armor, gear, and other items to inflict damage upon your enemies. In the huge maps, weapons can be found scattered in different locations. While playing the game, you’ll find plenty of abandoned houses, buildings, factories, and warehouses. Throughout the game, you’re vulnerable to attacks and need to use various weapons to keep yourself safe. With different terrain and expansive routes, you need to build a solid strategy to survive. PUBG has always been known for its exciting and abundant maps.

#Pubg auto queue windows

Unfortunately, the developers expect you to learn from experience, and you won’t find any tutorials in the Windows version. Since the game involves up to 100 players, it seems impossible to win the battle against such a huge number of participants. The only way to get out of the island is to become the lone survivor. When you start the game, an airplane drops all the players on a deserted island. Compared to Grand Theft Auto V and Project IGI, this game is more engaging in the action gaming genre. On a large screen, everything feels better, and you’re able to have more fun. Survival is the key in this strategy-based action-adventure. Up to 100 players can battle to survive in a large-scale deathmatch. There’s also a Player vs Player shooter mode.

Pubg auto queue